Announcing unDraw for Adobe XD and a cool new beginning

Katerina Limpitsouni
2 min readApr 2, 2019

It’s time to reveal something that has been in the works for some time and it starts with an awesome plugin.

Since starting unDraw, it has reached 125k monthly users, it has been used by amazing people all-around the world and has been embraced by the creative community as something more. While we are considering many ways to move forward, today I can finally announce that we are starting something cool with Adobe and the first step is the unDraw for XD plugin.

More than a simple plugin

Designing an experience for designers, is not easy but we can proudly say that we managed to encapsulate the whole unDraw functionality, directly inside the plugin. Live and native color editing, SVG import in the best way it’s supported, instant search and real-time sync with the main website. But here’s the best part! XD is powerful at handling vectors, so you can do much more with the illustrations. You can combine images, shapes, repaint objects and use them as a basis for your own, completely unique designs.


We have been protective and hesitant to move forward with collaborations, sometimes to a fault. But Adobe, except that it makes Illustrator and XD, which we use fanatically, is also the cohesive force of the whole design community and starting this common path was a no-brainer to us. A huge thank you to Drew Endick for his support, for being there to help us initialize this process and give more to the creative community with Adobe.

The future

unDraw will continue providing tools to designers and creatives and we have a lot more planned. So, this plugin is us, keeping our promise and bringing illustrations directly into the day-to-day work of designers and their powerful tool, Adobe XD.

Ready to get started? Download the plugin!

P.S.: A huge thank you to Minson Chen, Kerri Shotts, Aiman Farooq and the whole XD team for their immense help, support & excitement!

P.S.2: I didn’t forget Auto-animate, since it’s one of the most exciting features of XD. I’ve just started scratching the surface and the results are so cool, that it deserves much more exploration, so stay tuned!!!

A tiny, tiny sample of XD’s Auto-animate + unDraw illustrations

