Announcing unDraw Nightly

Katerina Limpitsouni
2 min readOct 15, 2019


A brand new version of the unDraw illustrations to celebrate surpassing 20,000 installs of the unDraw for XD plugin and to thank all of you!

When we first launched the unDraw for XD Plugin back in April, the reactions were more enthusiastic than I could have ever hoped for. But still, I never thought that the plugin would be installed more than 20,000 times in less than 6 months! Designers have always been there for me and unDraw and it’s time to do a little something to specifically thank you, exclusively inside the unDraw for XD Plugin!

A different kind of unDraw

As expected, this new version of unDraw illustrations will focus more on the artistic side of things. This, and compatibility with dark mode were the main goals of this new project, and I’m proud to present the unDraw Nightly version, which you can see below. Now you can modify not only the primary and secondary color but every one of the 5 that are used, as easy as it gets.

Designers, Creatives & Adobe XD

To make it easy to fully customize the illustrations, as well as to celebrate the huge success of the plugin and the recent Dribbble Playoff, this new version will be available only on the unDraw for Adobe XD Plugin, which is free and can be used without a learning curve. It will be available until the end of Adobe MAX, on November 6th, 2019, with the attribution-free unDraw license. This way, everyone can enjoy it and use the full customization options without limitations.

A true creative community and the future

With unDraw surpassing the 170k monthly users and the record 20k+ XD installs, the support has been amazing. This support is the main motivation I update unDraw daily, that its style is continuously evolving, that it will never become stock illustrations and is going on. Know that I am thankful for each interaction we’ve ever had and I’m listening to every comment and will keep searching for ways to make it more accessible to everyone and also why we are planning to create a few new things soon.

Get started right away by opening XD or click here to download the unDraw plugin directly.



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