unDraw Symbols for Miro

Katerina Limpitsouni
2 min readOct 27, 2020

When you are tasked to create an unDraw version for Miro, awesome and unexpected things can happen. Time to share more details.

It’s been a while since I had something new to say about unDraw but that hasn’t stopped it to grow to 380k monthly users and reach 1m monthly downloads, with just a two-person team. This amazing support is why I’m excited to finally share the next step. Bringing unDraw directly inside Miro but with a twist…

Introducing unDraw Symbols for Miro

When we were approached to bring unDraw to Miro, we knew it would be difficult since a plain integration would provide more options than help inside Miro. While researching, we discovered that providing visual feedback inside Miro, would add to the already wonderful experience. That’s unDraw Symbols, a new collection of illustrations, heavily influenced by classic iconography, combined with modern elements.

As you’d expect, you can change the color of the illustrations, use categories to quickly find the desired visual signal and drag/drop illustrations in your boards. Our work has now been completed and we’re collaborating with the Miro team to launch it live as soon as possible.

The future of work

Working as an independent illustrator for the past years, I know and appreciate how many awesome tools empower us to work from anywhere in the world. But Miro surely leads this wave of new tools and embodies the “future of work” mantra. That’s why we were super excited to work with this amazing team that transforms the way we collaborate in real-time.

A different start

As I mentioned, it’s been a while since we launched something but it’s not been due to lack of effort. We’ve had our challenges but we’ve completed a series of products that we are super excited about and will be sharing soon. So I hope you’ll enjoy unDraw Symbols to provide visual feedback directly inside Miro. Thank you once again for all the support and I hope you’ll like what we worked on, as soon as it’s live on Miro Marketplace.

